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We can shipping to worldwide.
You can choose whichever method suits you best when you place an order.
The following is a list of the different international carriers
available on laptop-battery.fr estimated time in transit, and where
tracking services can be located. laptop-battery.fr is currently
working on some more shipping options, and the day it's available we
will tell all our laptop-battery.fr customers.
Time of transit varies depending on where you're located and where your package is coming from.
Carrier Name |
Delivery Days |
Tracking Services |
7-15days |
Air Parcel |
10-20days |
3-7days |
3-7days |
Customs clearance can increase the delivery time if your package is held up by customs officials.
International shipping costs are based on a combination of the following:
* Weight and dimensions of package
* The location the seller is shipping from (city, state, country or region)
* The location the seller is shipping to (also called the destination country or region)
Therefore, costs may vary greatly depending on what, where and how the
seller is shipping, and can be considerably higher for international
Generally, buyers pay additional costs that may apply such as duties,
taxes and customs clearance fees. For example, international rates may
or may not include pickup and door-to-door delivery with customs
clearance. Your package will arrive at your door, but then you might
need to pay extra international fees.
Note : Time of transit varies depending on where you are located and
where your package is coming from. For some of a places, not covered by
the shipping company, the delivery time may be delayed a few days.
Thanks for your understanding!